Tuesday, November 23, 2010

what i really .................

maybe trying is something that everybody often do, sometimes they have strength to try, but sometimes they just scared to try. i prefer to try, because i prefer regret when i already done it then i just regret because i haven't done that. for example trying to face the problem is better than we just run and hide from the problem. mmm like tasting good food, we have to try one by one so that we can know which one is the best. like relationship too, i think the purpose of being in a relationship is to find the best. if we fail in a relationship it just make us one step closer to the better one. sometimes wondering how the result could be is the hardest part, never afraid of what or how the result is, is it good, or bad ? in life we surely have to prepare for the worst, and if we fail. just accept it and learn from it. how ? for example if we doing some test for university and failed . we have to see, whats made us fail ? okeee. i already study hard maybe you less in pray, or i pray harder i study harder, maybe that's god ways to saw you that 'thats not for your best' maybe other university is best for you, cause "Allah gives you what you need not what you wanted"cause sometimes what i wanted its not what i need. or lets take example from having a relationship; we have loooong relationship for years, but its end for no reason or you bf pr gf cheating , bored , or whatever. first of all if your bf or gf cheated, first of all introspection ourselves, i mean that we dont have to blame ourselves, just introspection and see it. if there is nothing wrong with us, then they just stupid hahaha and then dont forget to learn from it!!! never let us fall into the same hole. then never ever to obey with your bf.  i've ever soo obey with my bf back then, and he just so too much so overprotective, then i thought it, and i know its wrong. ok who the hell are you ? rules me as you want. many girls now its more obey to their bf than her parents =.= aaaaaa it so pathetic, why you have to obey that much ? oke if we obey something good we have to obey him. but like 'you cant play with your friend' 'you cant play while im at home' aaaaaaa its just selfish. do you know whats good in life ? we can enjoy oul\r life and be grateful. try and learn every time you do something . ahh i've nothing to say . my niece came and screw it up . hoho oke goodbye blove :*

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

22 october 2010

i can honestly say you've been on y mind since i woke up today, i look at your photograph and this memory come back to life and i dont mind cause i remember when you hug me i still feel it oh my body the time that i sang for you with no music played. i remember those simple things i remember till i cry, but the one thing i wish i forget the memory i wanna forget is goodbye.
i stay awake this night and play our song and my tears sing along. i pick up my phone and put it down cause i know im wasting my time , but i dont mind.suddenly my cellphone blown up with your ringtone i hate to see your message but i see it anyway and im surprise to hear you said that you miss me,you remember when we hug each other,you remember when i sang a song with no music played,you remember those simple things we talk and we laugh.But the one this you wish i forget the memory you wanna forget saying goodbye.

original song by miley cyrus

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Vertical Horizon - Best I Ever Had

So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning
Now I'm here to stay
Love can be so boring

Nothing's quite the same now
I just say your name now

But it's not so bad
You're only the best I ever had
You don't want me back
You're just the best I ever had

So you stole my world
Now I'm just a phony
Remembering the girl
Leaves me down and lonely

Send it in a letter
Make yourself feel better

But it's not so bad
You're only the best I ever had
You don't need me back
You're just the best I ever had

And it may take some time to
Patch me up inside

But I can't take it so I
Run away and hide
And I may find in time that
You were always right
You're always right

So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning
Now I'm here to stay
Love can be so boring

What was it you wanted
Could it be I'm haunted

But it's not so bad
You're only the best I ever had
I don't want you back
You're just the best I ever had
The best I ever had
The best I ever

Thursday, October 14, 2010


hey blove long time no post :) today i want to post about my besttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt :* we called us MARCOEM .
gue gamau ngepost tenntang marcoem itu apa,atau sejarah nya atau apalah.gue cuman mau bilang lewat post gue yang ini gue kangen banget sama kalian . kangen banget-bangetan gue selalu kesepian disini.kalo gue kesepian dibekasi gue pasti punya kalian.terutama ella sama entok yang emang sering kerumah gue kalo gue ada masalah atau apapun itu we definitely share a lot . i miss you all like hell . gue bener2x belom nemu temen atau gimana disini.tapi jelas banget deh beda banget.gue disini temenan juga sama banyak org . cuman ya gabisa aja gag ada juga yang kaya kalian .kalo pacar mah ibarat kata gabisa move on gue =.= gue nangis nih ;( beneran gue kangen bangetan . gue mau curhat gatau sama siapa . mau bercanda2x gatau ama siapa,mau berantem aja gag ada yang jadi bahan beranteman. semuanya komplit di marcoem . lo mau berantem bisa mau baikkan bisa mau bercanda bisa . gue kangen ngumpul dirumah cici.kangen nyai salam cium manja dr gue buat nyai ya ci hahaha . kangen 13 bangetan kangen ngobrol2x dikantin . selalu ber 12 eh 13 yah no matter what happen , gag ada motor cari tebengan sana sini , yang jelas tujuannya satu bisa main.mungkin gue emang gag sejauh bela di bengkulu.tapi kangennya mungkin sama aja. i cant share everything like i share with you girls . gue harap kita semua ntr pada sukses in the end . ketemu lagi bercanda2x bareng lagi . gue mau banget pulang tapi gue gabisa kuliah gue ngepet banget jadwalnya. dan ini geu ngetik sambil mati lampu .huuuu udahan yah kangen2xannya . :( babay love you all so much much much .. you are all my best girl :)

Monday, September 27, 2010


heyyyyyyy BLOOOVEEE :*
meet me in my new blog yaaahhhh
its my fashion blog 
just click then voilaaaaaa you will sent to my fablog haha

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


though it hurts like hell to let go of the one you love,we really need to say goodbye for them to be happy.we can't force someone to stay beside us,when all they want is to leave.truth hurts..really.. move on,but but as time goes by,maybe we can.we can't totally forget that person whom we almost give our everything..we can't..there is something that makes us remember that person even if we don't like to..

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Dear Daddy,
dad, I may love with lot of man in the future but in the end let me remind you that no matter what happen you will be the best guy for me. I love you until forever ends :)

dad you know what ? i love you more than every man that i know,you give me strenght to stand,critisize me to make me wake up and realize that you're never good enough till you try,and,try.you make me know what life is,you show me that not all the boys are like the ones who hurt me.he is the best man ever .

he is different,he likes to cook for me buying me everything i want that he thinks i need it,he loves marrilion he loves rock n roll and trash metal music,he loves riding a bike,he loves listening to music,he never lives without his ipod,he never complaint about what happened ih his life he loves greatfull,he loves my mother,but my mother told me that , your father loves you more than everything. 

Im sorry,im sorry i cant make you proud yet,but i promise I WILL.Daddy im sorry for every tears you hide from me that causes by me.Daddy im sorry everytime you want me to be your little girl i always refuse it,but you have to know,i always be your little girl.im sorry for being sellfish all the time,and each time we are arguing you always say sorry first and make everything allright again,im sorry for every stupid things i did to you. daddy your the greatest best you're a gift from God to me :) 

daddy,i know you pretending like you never care for me,but i know everytime i go out you always tell my mother to come back home as soon as possible,i know you can't show me how much you worry bout me,but knowing how you never let me have a boyfriend its part of your worriness,i know everytime you come home from work you always ask my mom what am i doing.

Bersyukurlah bagi kita semua yang masih punya ayah,karena diluar sana banyak sekali yg sudah kehilangan ayah,bahkan tidak pernah sama sekali merasakan kasih sayang seorang ayah karna satu dan lain hal
My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me and he knows i can :)

hujan dan manusia

awan gelap menutupi birunya langit
sayup sayup kumendengar langit bergemuruh
lirih kulihat ke atas langit
kulihat ke atas rintik hujan membasahi pipiku
merunduk ku bersyukur atas karuniamu
"Alhamdulillah Ya Allah"
tapi kenapa diluar sana masih banyak yang menangis karena hujan ?
"apa salah hujan Ya Allah ?"

terdengar suara lirih bapak tua disana
"hujan tidak salah manusia salah"

manusia membuat hujan terlalu sedih 
manusia membuat sampah sampah 
manusia membuat semuanya terhambat
manusia terlalu kikir dan sombong

kali ini menengadah ku ke atas sana 
Ya Allah
Maafkan Manusia hamba-hambamu yg lemah ini
Ya Allah 
ampuni kami,jangan kau murka atas semua ini
Ya Allah


HELLOOOOOOOOOO BLOVEE :) i just got home from pangandaran beach hooho it was unplanned holiday,my aunty suddenly invited the whole family member to went there except my grandmom cause she's sick and my grndpop has to accompany her,soo no doubt all the members of my family said yes,so we went there.we went there at 11pm 4days ago hmm its 12 september .we went there by cars.hoho it was F.U.N . nooo till we had a traffic jam on nagrek hrrrr,i just slept slept and slept cause actually its midnight.so i wake up when we arrived at pangandaran.haha and you know what ? YESSSS traffic jam eveywhere hrrrr its like the sea of human haha hrrrr i cant stand the weather its hot and dirty.alala lets skip so i went to the beach to played with the wave with my cousin ipi,egi,and arly,my uncle,and my mom hhi and i forgot to brought my camera so i didnt take a pict at there . huu so we went for lunch at bu mariah seafood. and we ate seafood it was cheap and delicious nyeeemmmmmmmmmm
thi is when i ate crab hoho
this one too
huuuu nyummy
look my cutie cousin najwa
my face lok stupid so i cover it haha
Then the next day i made tattoos hhoho one in my back and one in my foot hoho cekidot yoww
'journey to the sweetness'
you know what missing ? yes O .=.=
stars i love stars
then while i made tattoos with my aunt my mother swam with najwa hooho

yeppp it was fun although i wasnt enjoy it very much cause too much people and blaahblaahblaah hha but its fun enough . hihi okeeeeeee thats all folks blove:*mwaaahhh

Cause Im Something

Model by : Meidina Noor Annisa
Edited by : Meidina Noor Annisa
Photo by  : Meidina Noor Annisa

Friday, September 10, 2010

Selamat Idul Fitri 1431 hijriah

Meidina Noor Annisa
Minal aidzin Walfaaidzin mohon maaf lahir dan batin :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

two words MOVING ON

oke kali ini gue mau post soal gimana deh caranya moving on . gue bakaln ngasih tips tips nya haha kaya ngasih tips minum obat gue.pokoknya ini beneran manjur asal lo beenr2x ngerti intinya apa haha its dedicated to lulu my junior :* ini semua berdasarkan kejadian yang emang udah gue alamin jadi i kinda know how you really feel when you cant forget someone :)
maksudnya kita jangan pernah nunggu waktu buat nyembuhin semuanya soalnya menurut gue yang bisa rubah dan ngobatin ini semua itu KITA SENDIRI yes DIRI SENDIRI kalo emang udah niat dan punya strenght buat yakinin kalo kita bisa semuanya bkalan lancar.

jangan pernah nyeselin atas apa yg kita lakuin,karena semakin kita menyesal semakin kita pikirin dia.toh lebih baik kita udh ngelakuin hal itu kan ? biar bisa jd pembelajaran buat kita,drpd yah kita belom sempet ngelakuin dan kebayang2x rasa penasaran. JADI ANGGEP ITU SEMUA PELAJARAN .DONT AND NEVER EVER REGRET

kenapa jangan takut sakit hati ? yes because broken heart is part in a relationship its a risk ya gue inget kata temen gue kalo kita gag putus ya artinya nikah.a quote "don't close yourself off to love just because one person hurt u or rejected you. Love,LOVES a good comeback!" and remember each time you let go,you set the next stage to your hello :)

yes tanemin pikiran positif karena apa yg kita tanam itulah yang kita tuai kalau kita terus nanem di otak negative things yesss yang buruk2x lah kita tuai walaupun emang kita harus prepare the worst of course,tapi apa salahnya kita jadi si positif dulu kan ? always think that nobody gonna treat you as good as i am,jadi kita ya pede aja mau ntrnya dia punya pacar lg juga haha toh kita tetep THE BEST . terus kalo dia ninggalin kita well he doesn't deserve us .we deserve better .kenapa putus ? KARENA DIA TIDAK BAIK UNTUK KITA.A relationship is journey to find the best right ? jadi jangan takut gag akan dapet lagi yg kaya dia.kita akan dapet yang lebih baik coy :D

kalian boleh nangis tapi jangan berlarut.kalo kata si mamah mah "NGAPAIN NANGISIN COWO?KITA CEWE KITA YANG DIKEJAR COWO" haha kolot memang cuman kalian pikirin deh ada benernya kan ? hahaa remember never cry because its end smile because it happened :)

i'll give you this lyric yes this lyric makin me feel good haha
Someday you'll gonna realize
One day you'll see this through my eyes
But then i won't even be there
I'll be happy somewhere
Even if i can't

I know
You don't really see my worth
You think your the last guy on earth
Well I've got news for you
I know I'm not that strong
But it won't take long
Won't take long


Coz someday, someone's gonna love me
The way, i wanted you to need me
Someday, someone's gonna take your place
One day I'll forget about you
You'll see, i won't even miss you

Someday, someday

But now
I know you can't tell
I'm down,and I'm not do anyway
But one day these tears
They will all run dry
I won't have to cry
Sweet goodbye


Coz someday, someone's gonna love me
The way, i wanted you to need me
Someday, someone's gonna take your place
One day I'll forget about you
You'll see, i won't even miss you
Someday, someday

OKEEEEE ALL MY BLOGGY BABY :) i hope it will be useful for you all :)

2 september 2010

things weren't go so well i felt terrible i felt there's something wrong i felt jdijfsdoijfsdoijfsdijdo could you imagine the felt that we knew that he would broke my heart ? the felt that i know that this relationship would ended and the fact that he would leave me alone ? i called him at september 2 2010 at 23:59 . he told me that he felt that this relationship would not gonna work out right again.he felt he couldn't had a long distance relationship.i didn't know it just the reason or it's true yeah i just start believing.He told me he love me so much but the situation it always the situation.every time he told me that he love me so much you know ? i couldn't stop crying the tears its like rain in the middle of dry season .It hurts i don't know even now i couldn't feel any feel for him.i love you my 22 and you know that,you know bimbi it just you who can make me felt really in love in this past year.but as usual i always love the wrong people ? my friend told me that 'nisa you always love the wrong people' hmm maybe but i don't feel i love wrong people it just destiny i guess there's always a risk,there's always a goodbye behind the hello.
here is his message
maafin aku yaaah,km baik2x yah disana.kalo cari cowo
yang bener,yang baik kaya aku hehe 
km jangan sering nangis lagi yaa,berlajar untuk jadi dewasa
jangan ngelawan orang tua,karena mereka tau yang terbaik
buat kamu
when i received his message you know what ? i couldnt stop crying.huhu but i finally can moving on i dont know if this is moving on or what,i can't feel anything, love or maybe i miss him.no, but i still can't let him go :( but there is one thing i always remember 
there is always a good behind a goodbye 

Megara and Hercules

Oh i dream about having a relationship like megara and hercules.They just in love for the very first sight,lots of trouble but as you can see everything goes well,they can handle everything from the bad guy hades and every monster that could kill hercules.I will introduce to you all about Megara and Hercules.
Megara (also known as Meg) is a mortal woman unwillingly working for Hades, and the love interest of Hercules. Sometime during the events of Hercules, Meg went to Hades and sold her soul to revive a lover of hers who had died (revealed in the series to be Adonis). Hades agreed on the condition that she serve him forever, which she accepted. However, shortly after her lover was revived, he fell in love with someone else and left Meg still locked in servitude to Hades. This background story of the character alludes to the myth of Alcestis, who dies by proxy for her husband Admetus.
When Meg first appears onscreen, Hercules encounters her in the middle of trying to recruit Nessus. Meg, not believing that Hercules can help, simply tells him she can handle it, and after Nessus and he fight, watches with some amusement. She at first believes Hercules is faking his shy and innocent personality due to bad experiences with other men. She then reports back to Hades, who learns that Hercules is still alive. Later, in Thebes, Meg rushes up to Hercules, telling him two kids (Pain and Panic in disguise) are trapped in a gorge. He falls for it, and Meg silently pleads with him from a distance to leave before Hades' plan goes into effect, but is forced to watch as Hercules fights and defeats the Hydra. After several more victories, Meg is openly smug and confident that Hercules will survive. Hades offers Meg her freedom in exchange for discovering Hercules' weakness. Meg goes to Hercules and convinces him to take the day off with her, to which he quickly agrees. During the date, Hercules reveals his feelings for Meg and promises that he will never hurt her. They nearly kiss, but are stopped by Phil. Finding herself falling in love, she tries to deny it, but the Muses convince her to stop denying the way she feels.
Hades then intervenes, and Meg tells him that she will not help him hurt Hercules, and that he has no weaknesses. A furious Hades reminds her that he owns her, and upon seeing her new-found emotions for Hercules, realizes that Herc's feelings for her is his weakness and uses her as leverage to convince Hercules to give up his strength for one day in return for her safety; if the deal is broken, his strength will return. Hades then reveals Meg worked for Hades the whole time, and Hercules leaves, disheartened at learning of Meg's betrayal. Meg then goes to find Phil, as he is the only one who can talk sense into Hercules. They return to see Hercules has been badly beaten by the Cyclops, and convince him to fight back. After seeing a column collapse where he is standing, due to the Cyclops Hercules was fighting, Meg pushes him out of the way, and it collapses on her instead. When he asks why, she explains that "people always do crazy things- when they're in love." Meg dies from her injuries, so Hercules goes to the Underworld to get her soul back. He makes a deal with Hades where he will exchange himself in return for Meg's life, but in the process of saving her, becomes a god again. After her soul is returned, he explains that he did it for the same reason she gave her life for him- he is in love with her. They are risen to Olympus, and Meg watches as Hercules is finally accepted as a god. However, he declines his place to stay with her on Earth; Meg and Hercules finally kiss, apparently continuing her life with him and his foster parents.
In Hercules: The Animated Series, Meg appeared twice, once as a teenager and once as an adult from the movie timeline. She meets Hercules, offering a chance to prove himself as a hero. Having him retrieve her the amphora so she can use it to forget about Adonis who she had a blind date with that went badly. They do retrieve it from Ares' sons, but Meg leaves Hercules to escape. She is immediately taken to the Underworld by Pain and Panic; Hercules, despite her betrayal, goes after her. During a fight for the amphora, Meg tells Hercules that she liked him from the start. They almost kiss, but the amphora's water is dropped on them, causing them to forget how they met, and reinforcing the fact that Hercules and Meg never established any relationship until the film. Another episode, "Hercules and the Yearbook", takes place after the events of the film and features Hercules and Meg moving his stuff from Phil's island. Hermes delivers a special package, which Hercules immediately hides from Meg. Phil reveals all of Hercules' incidents during his school time, and Hercules tells Meg he did not want to show her the yearbook because he wants her to see him as a hero. Meg tells him that she accepts that part of his life as an awkward phase, and loves him just the same. However, this does not stop Hercules from having Hermes retrieve Meg's own yearbook where it is revealed Meg was a cheerleader.

Hercules (also known as Herc) is the main protagonist of the film and the TV series. He is based on the mythical character Hercules, although some aspects of his life differ greatly from the original legend. Hercules was born on Mount Olympus with all the powers of a god, and his parents were Zeus and Hera (the King and Queen of all the gods, thus making him a god prince), who has been re-imagined as a loving mother instead of a spiteful stepmother. On the celebration of his birth, during which the Olympian gods present the infant god with a multitude of gifts, one god is not happy about the new arrival: Hercules's evil uncle Hades, lord of the Underworld.
Hades wants to take control of Mount Olympus and the world along with all of creation, and he sees that if Hercules chooses to fight when he is older, his plans will be ruined. Knowing that as a god, Hercules is immortal and invulnerable, Hades sends his two lackeys, Pain and Panic, to kidnap Hercules and turn him mortal by means of a magic potion, but the final drop falls wasted on the ground. Pain and Panic discover that because he did not drink the last drop he has retained his godly strength and they are beaten back. Amphitryon and Alcmene adopt the child, considering his arrival a gift from the gods since they are themselves childless. Too late, Zeus and the other gods discover the kidnapping. Because Herc is now mortal, however, they are unable to take him back to Olympus.
Hercules grows into a strong but clumsy teenage boy who cannot control his godly strength, causing havoc and alienating those around him. His foster parents decide to finally come clean to him about the circumstances of his adoption, showing him a medallion they find that bears the symbol of the gods (Zeus's lightning bolt). Hercules sets off to find his place in the world, and goes to the Temple of Zeus for guidance. While in the temple, Zeus embodies his own statue, and reveals Hercules's origin. He explains that the only way Hercules can rejoin his parents on Mount Olympus is to prove himself a "true hero", and thus, regain his godhood. He goes to see Philoctetes, a trainer of heroes who originally says he will not train Hercules, but changes his mind after Zeus zaps him with a bolt of lightning.
When Hercules has reached adulthood and has passed his training, he sets off with Philoctetes to become a Hero in Thebes. On his way he saves Megara from Nessus, a centaur acting as river guardian. Unbeknownst to Herc, Meg is working for Hades (albeit unwillingly), and relates the events to the Lord of the Underworld, by which he learns that Hercules is still alive and so sends a variety of monsters to kill Hercules. But Hercules dispatches every monster Hades sends against him. By this time, Hercules has become the toast of Greece, and he believes himself a true hero, He is greatly upset when Zeus tells him that his celebrity status is not enough to regain his immortality, as being famous isn't the same as being a hero, and to "look into his heart". Meg (on assignment from Hades) convinces him to play hookie, going on a date. At first she was trying to learn any weakness he might have, but she eventually fell as hard for him as he had for her. The date is ended by Phil, irate at Hercules for skipping training. Phil is knocked off Pegasus, and wakes up in time to learn of Meg's involvement with Hades. He leaves to tell Hercules, not hearing Meg's refusal to help destroy Hercules. Hercules, ecstatic from the date, refuses to believe Phil's warning about Megera, even hitting him in a flash of blind anger, prompting Phil to quit.
Hades, realizing that Meg herself is Herc's weakness, confronts Hercules, offering Megara's safety if the hero will give up his strength for 24 hours (long enough for Hades to conquer Olympus). Herc is reluctant to see anyone hurt, but Hades vows that no harm will come to Meg. Hercules agrees, and Hades takes the opportunity to humiliate him before revealing Megara's role in his scheme. Enacting his plan, Hades sends a Cyclops to destroy Hercules. Without his superhuman strength and crushed by Meg's betrayal, Herc is brutally beaten about by the monster but, with a peptalk from the returning Phil, and using his wits, he is able to defeat the Cyclops and send him hurtling off a cliff. The monster's fall causes a pillar to topple towards Herc and Meg pushes him out of the way, taking the impact of the pillar. This in turn causes Hercules to regain his strength because Hades' end of the bargain is now broken. Hercules leaves Megara in the care of his friends while he rushes off to thwart Hades' invasion of Olympus. Freeing the captured gods, he captures three of the Titans in the tornado body of the fourth and throws them into space, where they explode. He returns to Meg's side only to learn that her injuries were fatal. However, he then travels to Hades' realm to rescue Meg's spirit from the River Styx, which swiftly ages mortals upon contact, thus killing them within a short time. Hercules nevertheless enters the pool to rescue Megara's soul. He is able to reach Meg before he dies and his selfless act fulfills the requirement for being a true hero, thus regaining his godhood. He then punches Hades into the River Styx, and returns Meg's soul to her body. He is invited by Zeus to live in Olympus, which was indeed originally his wish, but he decides rather to live his life on Earth as a mortal with Meg.

Animator Randy Haycock based the infant version of Hercules on his newborn daughter. He also videotaped a friend's six-month old and rented movies with babies in them.[1] Haycock admits that baby Hercules' curly hair comes from his infant daughter's appearance. He adds, Hercules mannerisms come right off things I've picked up from her", even though Hercules is more caricatured than a real baby.[1] The inspiration for teenage Hercules came from Haycock's experiences as an adolescent. "I was too tall and skinny for my age, and I was a lousy athlete. At home I broke just about everything..."[1] Teenage Hercules has big hands and feet that the animator remembers having himself, as well as the lack of coordination.[1] Andreas Deja was supervising animator for the adult version of Hercules. He studied photographs of Olympic athletes, not the weightlifters with short necks and bulging muscles, but the swimmers, with long necks and natural musculature.[1] Essentially, he wanted to return to the Greek tradition of character drawing. As Deja explains, this means "straight nose, pursed lips – almost cherubic, large eyes, a lidded look...The classic style you find on Greek vases or drawings."[1]

 Hercules & Megara
First time Herc met meg in his journey to become a god.they met when meg were in a dangerous situation.herc didnt now that meg is working for hades.Herc fell in love with meg from the very first time they met.then they met again when meg pretending that there were a children trap in a stone.then herc met a monster and win the fight.Meg actually didn't want something happened to herc cause she in love with herc.meg call herc wonder boys with sexy voice i love meg voices hoho then meg helped hec and death.and herc fight and go to hell to rescue meg's life and herc become a God then they live happily ever after :) ohhh this is SWEEEEETTTTTTTT 

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bimbi Mahesa Putra

yes who is bimbi mahesa putra ? he is my boyfriend :) he was born at may 1 1992 yap,cuman beda satu hari sama gue.eh setahun satu hari tepatnya.he graduated from 22 senior high school jakarta,and now become a student in YAI university,in comunication degree. he is the first child from 2,he has sister name febri nur intan,he lives in east jakarta,and i dont know where exactly is haha cause i never been there hoho he loves playing music,especially drum,and he is a drummer in his band and once again i don't know whats the band,but in high school he had a band called money laundry.he loves to listen to music,he loves trash metal,he loves led zeppelin,he likes megan fox,cause he thinks megan fox is sexy,haha and yes i agree with him.he likes ayam kecap,he likes black,he likes eat so much but i don't know why he always that skinny -.- bbbbuuuut when in elementary school till junior high school he is so fat not that fat but fat hha i want to share what he looks like back then but i don't have his picture huhu he just cute haha hmm what again oke let's talk about his character,he is so ignorant,just don't care others feeling,he always think that everything is going to be just fine,he is so patient,he never mad at me,he never jealous mm maybe he jealous but he trusts me more than everything,and that's why i trust him so much,sometimes he can be so tempramental,he is kind,sometimes he can be so romantic,he is spontaneous and i love that,his thinking bout life is so mature.
we've been go out for like 2 months 6 days . i love him and he loves me too haha we've been going out from october 28 2009 and break up on i don't know im forget hhe then back together on june 22 2010 . hopefully it will long last :) i love him so much and im pretty sure that he loves me like i do .

Friday, August 27, 2010

guess who is this ?

who is this man ? he is covering vogue magazine . i bet you don't know who's the man in this cover . you know what ? he or should i say that SHE is Lady Gaga yes people she is lady gaga.Lady Gaga appears as a man in Vogue Hommes japan . okay im not too surprise to see Lady Gaga appears or style like this,because if she acts normal then she is not Gaga.But i love her style in here,she wears boys outfit that looks gorgeous in her. hype of course :D 

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Here is the story about me about my journey to go to college . oke first of all i will tell you my process till i get to UNPAD (Padjadjaran University) i took Teknologi Pertanian degree. i am so excited so i studied hard from morning till night,then i had the test.okeeeee lets skip to the result . haha oke hello i get that,im so excited and get too excited my mother my father everybody happy,and i felt that they are so proud of me.then I GOT VERY VERY BAD NEWS . oke I CANT ENTER UNPAD .because my economic problem,im so sad yes it hurts so much,and it left scars till now.oke i just realize that its oke for me to wait till next year. although you know hpw hard is it,when your friend or someone just ask 'kuliah dimana nis ?' oke it just hurts me so damn bad,seeing my friend went to OSPEK ,being new student and wear an Almamater.oh i just can take a deep breath then calm down and say to myself 'OKE NISA GAPAPA ,TAHUN DEPAN BUKTIIN KAMU BISA' i always think that "KALO GUE SUSAH MASIH BANYAK YANG LEBIH SUSAH DARI GUE" so i just keep on fighting keep on trying and start believing. i just can make myself get better and better without anybody.AND TILL YESTERDAY . when i went to my granny's house,she said that "kamu harus mandiri,belom tentu orang tua kamu mampu nguliahin kamu" OH FOR GOD SAKE,it feels like get hit with 2747349837949834943987tons of stone . YEAH i dont want to cry in front of my grandmom i just take a deep breath and smile that i pretend that everything is okay but matter of fact ITS NOT.it just killing me.and when i know to go to work,you know what ? that's the worst feeling ever.am i a victim ? or it just destiny ? i cant think clearly,i can think positively but my heart just turning into pieces slowly,i always pretend in front of everybody,that im okay with this situation,but as the matter of fact i cant accept all of this,i cant accept that i cant go to college,the fact that i have to work for my good.and everything that come trough now.i just can say
Bersyukur lah kalian yang bisa kuliah,bersyukur memiliki keluarga yang berkecukupan,bersyukur diberi nikmat oleh allah untuk kuliah,jadi gunakanlah kesempatan yang kalian punya dan jangan pernah sia-siakan,karena diluar sana masih banyak orang yang berjuang hanya demi kuliah hanya demi sesuap nasi.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Lets talk about sometihing what we called FRIENDSHIP first
Based on dictionary Friendship is considered to be closer than association, although there is a range of degrees of intimacy in both friendships and associations. Friendship or true friend are like part of your body,they know you best,Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you,they even closer from your boyf even your family.They know your stupid,kindness,and every action you will make,maybe. They would COVER you,sometimes do something stupid just for you.True Friend like an umbrella when you need them from rain they will Protect you even though they will get wet.True friend speak truth even they know it will hurt you True Friend LOVE SHARING, from a big things to little things.from sharing feelings till  food,even share illness -,- when i got sick and my friend laughing at me,tomorrow she will sick too.haha that's how we are.True friend never complaint,true friend never let you down,True friend know your weakness and show you strange,true friend,True friendship is like sound health,the value of it is seldom known until it be lost,True friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
 "In good times, in bad times I'll be on your side forever more, that's what fis friends are for"  

What is friendshit ? friendshit is someone that know you best and crush you from the inside,they stabbing on your back,talk you in your back,act like they are the best friend ever,and be careful they don't just have one face but faces YEP . they just the best actor or actress,maybe they will get golden globe or even academy award for being the best FAKE BEST FRIEND,its good for you if you don't have someone like this.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Need You Now - Lady Antebellum

Picture perfect memories, scattered all around the floor.
Reaching for the phone cause, I can't fight it any more.
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind.
For me it happens all the time.

It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now.
I said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now.

Another shot of whiskey, can't stop looking at the door.
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before.
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind.
For me it happens all the time.

It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now.
I said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now.

I guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all.

It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now.
And I said I wouldn't call, but I'm a little drunk and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now.

I just need you now.

Oh baby I need you now. 
-Bimbi i need you now-


wooos long time banget yah no post post oiaaaaaaaaaaaah mohon maaf lahir dan batin ya semua :) mudah2xan puasa nya dilancarkan dan ibadahnya diancarkan amin.
uhuk uhuk gue lg sakit yaaaaaaaaaa gue sakit,gue kena campak,i've got measles everybody =.= jelek banget deh merah2x kaya alien tp sexy kaya bayi baru lahir hahaha tapi tetep aja gue lebiuh prefer SEHAT yes baby SEHAT ITU MAHAL . awalnya gue sakit muai dari radang,radang nya dewa banget deh,paraaaaaaaaaah sakitnya parah perihnya. lalu lalu badan gue panaaas lalu lalu timbul bercak2x merah di badan gue . good job i dont like it,i hate it of course.ini gatel sumfeh deh . -,- dan abis gue googling huh cekidot sendiri nih yah gue kasih link nya CAMPAK and for english version >>> Measles. huooooooo isnt that bad ? yepyep of course its bad . sudah yahhh thats all folks . get well soon for me http://www.emocutez.com cifook cifookk XXO

Monday, August 2, 2010

Broken Strings : James Morrison ft Nelly Furtado :

Let me hold you
For the last time
It's the last chance to feel again
But you broke me
Now I can't feel anything

When I love you,
It's so untrue
I can't even convince myself
When I'm speaking,
It's the voice of someone else

Oh it tears me up
I try to hold on, but it hurts too much
I try to forgive, but it's not enough to make it all okay

You can't play on broken strings
You can't feel anything that your heart don't want to feel
I can't tell you something that ain't real

Oh the truth hurts
And lies worse
How can I give anymore
When I love you a little less than before

Oh what are we doing
We are turning into dust
Playing house in the ruins of us

Running back through the fire
When there's nothing left to save
It's like chasing the very last train when it's too late

Oh it tears me up
I try to hold on, but it hurts too much
I try to forgive, but it's not enough to make it all okay

You can't play on broken strings
You can't feel anything that your heart don't want to feel
I can't tell something that ain't real

Well the truth hurts,
And lies worse
How can I give anymore
When I love you a little less than before

But we're running through the fire
When there's nothing left to save
It's like chasing the very last train
When we both know it's too late (too late)

You can't play on broken strings
You can't feel anything that your heart don't want to feel
I cant tell you something that ain't real

Well truth hurts,
And lies worse
How can I give anymore
When I love you a little less than before

Let me hold you for the last time
It's the last chance to feel again

videooo broken string

Friday, July 30, 2010

Senang apa Sedih ?

heyo blogger gue galau haha yess gue bingung gue mesti seneng apa sedih =.= you know why ? gue kasih tau

Saya senang karena my dearest boyf Bimbi Mahesa Putra was accepted in UNPAR  in LAW DEGREE ;D hehe . Gue sama dia ngira pngumumannya besok eh ternyata kata temen gue bang iki pngumumannya itu hari ini,dan gue gapake ngasih tau bimbi kalo pngumumannya hari ini gue buka sendiri itu sitenya haha and VOILAAAAAAAAAdia keterima . gue seneng jingkrak2x deh . hehe apalagi pasdia bilang semuanya juga karena gue :) THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE AND APPRICIATENESS
yeyeyee im so excited
Lah nis kenapa sedih ? huhu iya soalnya bimbi keterima,kok sedih ? harusnya seneng dong ? iyaaa gue seneng tapi kalo keterima gue sama dia pasti makin jauh , cuman jakarta bekasi aja susah ketemu,ini bandung bekasi apalagi dia kuliah -..- pasti makin sibuk,masya allah . gue mau nangis gue kangen banget . huuu cuman yah mau gimana gue harus dukung dia ini demi masa depan dia ;D i will always support you my boy . hmm ada lagi yang bikin gue sedih masya allah lg,gue nganggur --,-- bimbi bakalan malu gag yah kalo ditanya cewenya kuliah dimana , dia mesti jawab gimana ? dia malu gag yah ? ya allah.MAAF YA MBI INI BUKAN MAU AKU TAPI AKU GATAU GMN,mudah2xan kamu gag malu yah . soalnya i love you so much very much .
my 22 :)


Tadi gue lagi liat2x notes hp gue dan gue liat tulisan gue yang tentang berita yang udah lumayan lama gue liat.
Gue lupa kapan pastinya gue liat ini berita di tv sama gosip.Gue ketawa liat si artis sensasional ini si persuk ini,katanya dia pengen operasi ina ini inu bahkan hampir pegen operasi virginity hmm,okelah emang itu haknya buat kaya gitu toh itu uang2xnya juga ya kan ? hmm cuman ya coba dia bisa sedikit buka mata dan buka hati,ngapain dia buang2x uang kaya gitu,toh dia udh cantik udah sexy juga yahkan.dan bisa kan dia terima kenyataan yaah syukuri apa yang udah lo punya :) gue tergerak hati buat nulis kaya gini karena gue liat berita ibu-ibu di maluku utara ngambilin sama nyaring ampas padi,buat dijadiin beras,buat mereka makan.Dari ampas beras yang dia dapet 7 liter mereka saring lagi sampai akhirnya cuman 1 liter,dan kalian tau ? 1 liter itu harus mereka bagiin satu sama lain sama beberapa keluarga lainnya.bayangin aja kalo ada 3 keluarga 1 LITER beras bagi 3 berapa ? masya allah,gue sampe yang inget lagi berita ini aja ngenes banget nulisnya,dan gue juga jadi mikir orang-orang negeri kita yang jadi relawan kaya di palestina atau dmn lah ,kenapa mereka gag jadi relawan dulu buat negara sendiri ? rela nyisihin sedikit aja buat mereka,coba mereka nyisihin Rp 1000 aja tiap WNI yang jumlah WNI sekarang udah sampe 234.2 juta orang,kaliin aja kan yah sama seribu udah berapa kan tuh ? banyak kan ? nah bisa deh ngasih beras buat mereka2x,dan kita juga gag akan miskin kok ngeluarin uang seribu . iyakan ?.Dan gara-gara baca ini gue jd sadar ya kalau kita makan jangan dibuang-buang syukurin apa yang kita punya,jangan banyak mengeluh,karena sesungguhnya masih ada banyak orang diluar sana yang lebih membutuhkan . 



Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson (born October 25, 1984), better known by her stage name Katy Perry, is an American singer-songwriter and musician. Perry was born in Santa Barbara, California, and raised by Christian pastor parents; she grew up listening to only gospel music and sang in church as a child. After earning a GED during her freshman year of high school, she began to pursue a music career. She released a self-titled gospel album in 2001 as Katy Hudson which failed with the closing of its record label that year. She recorded an album with production team The Matrix and completed most of a solo album from 2004–2005, neither of which were released.
After signing on with Capitol Music Group in 2007, her fourth record label in seven years, she adopted the stage name Katy Perry and released her first Internet single, "Ur So Gay", that November, which garnered attention but did not chart. She rose to fame with her second single "I Kissed a Girl" in 2008, which topped international charts. Perry's first mainstream album One of the Boys followed later that year and was eventually announced to be the thirty-third best selling album of 2008 worldwide.[1] It was accredited platinum certification by the Recording Industry Association of America; "I Kissed a Girl" and her second single "Hot N Cold" both received multi-platinum certifications. Perry was ranked the 97th Artist of the 2000–10 decade by Billboard.[2] She became known for wearing unconventional style of dress, often combining colors and vintage fashion. Her next album, Teenage Dream, is scheduled to be released in August 2010.
Perry had a long relationship with Travis McCoy; she is currently engaged to Russell Brand.

Katy Perry was born Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson in Santa Barbara, California.[3] The second child of two pastors,[4] she has an older sister and younger brother.[5] Her Evangelical mother, Mary Hudson (née Perry), grew up in Southern California and had "a tempestuous first marriage in Zimbabwe."[5] Her father Keith Hudson was a West Coast scenester in the 1960s.[5] Perry's maternal aunt and uncle were screenwriter Eleanor Perry and director Frank Perry,[6] through whom she is also related to Charles M. Schwab, the founder of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation.[7] Perry is of Portuguese[8] and German[9] ancestry on her mother's side.
Perry was incorporated to her parents' ministry;[4] she sang in their church from ages 9 to 17.[3][10] She grew up listening to gospel music[11] and was not allowed to listen to what her mother called secular music.[10][12] Perry attended Christian schools and camps.[4] As a child, Perry learned how to dance in a recreation building in Santa Barbara. She was taught by seasoned dancers and began with swing, Lindy Hop, and jitterbug.[13] She took her GED after her freshman year of high school and decided to leave school to pursue a career in music.[14] Perry initially started singing "because I was at that point in my childhood where I was copycatting my sister and everything she did."[14] Her sister practiced with cassette tapes, and Perry took the tapes herself when her sister was not around. She rehearsed the songs and performed it to her parents, who suggested she should take voice lessons. She grabbed the opportunity and began taking lessons at age nine to 16. She enrolled in at the Music Academy of the West in Santa Barbara, and studied Italian opera for a short time. And at the age of 15, Perry's singing in church attracted the attention of rock veterans from Nashville, Tennessee, who brought her there to polish her writing skills.[15] In Nashville, Perry started recording demos and was taught by country music veterans on how to craft songs and play guitar.[10][12] Perry signed to the Christian music label Red Hill, under which she recorded her first album at the age of 15.[16] Performing as Katy Hudson, she released the self-titled Gospel-rock album in 2001.[5][15] The album was unsuccessful, however, after the label ceased operations at the end of 2001.[16] She later changed her surname to Perry, her mother's maiden name, because "Katy Hudson" was too close to film actress Kate Hudson.[15][17] At the age of 17, Perry left her home for Los Angeles where she worked with Glen Ballard on an album for record label Island.[18] The album was due for release in 2005,[3][15][16] but Billboard reported it also went nowhere.[16] Perry was dropped by Island Def Jam Music Group.[5] Some of Perry and Ballard's collaborations included "Box", "Diamonds" and "Long Shot", were posted on her official MySpace page. "Simple", one of the songs she recorded with Ballard, was released on the soundtrack to the 2005 film The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.[19]
Perry signed to Columbia Records in 2004. However, the label was not amenable with her vision, not putting her in the "driver's seat".[16] Instead, one of Columbia's ideas was to pair Perry with the record production team The Matrix, who was working on an album, to serve as its female vocalist. Although the album was later shelved,[20] she caught the attention of the music press: Her burgeoning music career led to her being named "The Next Big Thing" in October 2004 by Blender magazine.[3][16] With no album project ongoing, Perry began recording her own. Eighty percent completed, however, Columbia decided not to finish it and dropped her off the label.[16]
While waiting to find another label, she worked in an independent A&R company called Taxi Music. In 2006, Perry was featured in the tail-end of the video to P.O.D.'s single "Goodbye for Now".[21] She made a cameo appearance in Carbon Leaf's video, "Learn to Fly", and in Gym Class Heroes' video, "Cupid's Chokehold", playing the eventual love interest of lead singer Travis McCoy. Her songs eventually captured the attention of Virgin Records CEO Jason Flom, then head of Capitol Music Group, who signed her to Capitol Music in early 2007

I do love her fashion style she so creative and stylist,Perry is known for her unconventional style of dress.[13] It is often humorous, bright in color, and reminiscent of different decades, and she frequently uses fruit-shaped accessories, mainly watermelon, as part of her outfits.[53] Having learned dancing at an early age, she fancied about having her own style. Perry's transformation into an artist began with fashion, inspired by American film actress Dominique Swain's portrayal in 1997 film adaptation of the novel Lolita.[15] She defines her fashion style as "a bit of a concoction of different things".[13] Johnny Wujek, Perry's stylist, described her style, upon meeting her for the first time, as "very colorful and vintage".[58] Her fashion has caught the attention of designers, who were giving her nearly as much attention as fans of her music.[4][53]
In June 2008, a publicity photo that showed Perry posing with a switchblade was criticized.[59] The picture was defended as only an effort to give Perry a "sexy, harder edge".[59] The criticism leveled at her was mocked by Perry who subsequently posed with a spoon instead
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