Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Karena Kau bagai Heroin, dulu ku berharap untuk mati saja saat kau pergi. Tapi aku mampu melewati banyak hal, banyak hal yang mampu membuatku melewati dari kecanduanku terhadapmu. Tapi mengapa aku masih gila ? kenapa aku masih saja kehilangan akal sehatku ? kenapa aku masih mengharapkanmu, masih mengharapkan kau kembali padaku.
Original by :Fatin Zulfa

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Truth

I turn the tv off, i pray, i pull my blanket, i close my eyes, and yet i can't sleep.And i start thinking about everything........

1. You know that feeling ? when you're just waiting. Waiting to get home, waiting to get into your room, close the door and fall into bed, and just let everything out that you kept in all day. That feeling of both relief and desperation. Nothing is wrong, but nothing is right either. And i'm tired. Tired of everything, tired of nothing. and i just want someone to be here and tell me "Its Okay". But no one's going to be here, and i know i have to be strong for myself, because no one can fix me. But i'm tired of waiting. Tired of having to be the one to fix myself and everyone else. Tired of being strong. And for once, i just want it to be easy. To be simple. To be helped. To be saved. But i know i won't be. But yet, I'm still hoping, still trying, still wishing, and i'm still staying strong and fighting. With tears in my eyes. I'm Fighting.

2.I'm that kind of girl who smiles even though i'm hurting inside. I talk loud, I take care of my own problems, I'm insecure though i'm proud about everything in myself. I look in the mirror everyday and sometimes i don't know who is she.. I cry myself to sleep because i get hurt. I do my homework and do my task and having a good grade and i still never satisfied. I'm always out with my friend, trying to forget him, but whenever i'm home. he's really all i can think about. I never really tell anyone how i feel, unless i trust them. Sometimes it feels like i'm alone, and no one really cares. But no matter how bad i'm feeling, I never give up.

I start to realize when did i start insomnia.......
A few months ago, i haven't slept very well. Actually i haven't slept at all since the day you broke up with me. And that night i was just sat in my chair, in front of the laptop, listened to music, and then i stopped. I turned down the volume, I paused what i was doing, ignored my family that called my name, and then i realize why i haven't slept. It's not because I'm not tired. It's because while i was sleeping, you're always in my dreams. Before I go to sleep, you're always in my head. When i wake up, i always wonder if you think of me too. And when i'm trying to sleep it's like i don't want to wake up. Because i know there's nothing good to wake up anymore. No "good morning" in my Bbm, no smile on my face, nothing to look forward in the end of the day. Simply nothing. That's why i can't sleep.

I start to realize that i was stupid.....
Because, you know what ? i don't miss you, i'm not all broken up inside and i dont wish worked it out. I'm not crying myself to sleep again at night. In fact i start to be grateful that everything is done. The moment you walked away, the moment you given up on me, and the moment you show the real you was the moment i realized i never needed you, i realize i was wrong, stupid, and drunk. I'm coming alive a little more each day now. The less you in my life, the more i can breath, the more i can smile. I forgot how good it feels to just be myself and live my life without you there trying to pull me down. Everyday with you was a great moment of struggle, struggle to fight for you, fight for our relationship, and i'm happy and thankful that i'm not wasting any more of my time on you. Thank you for letting me realize you're not worth every tears that i waste, thank you for letting me go. I would have never known what i was missing. Because the truth is i'm not scared losing your love, losing you, what i scared is when i ended up alone, but in fact i have my friends and my families that always there to support me and never give up on me. And one thing someday, i will find someone that won't give up on me through the good and the bad :)

But now, i always can fall asleep easily. Good night everybody.
Sleep well and wake up smile :D

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Don't Stand at My Grave and Weep

Don't Stand at My Grave and Weep
I'm not there. I'm not sleep
I'm a thousand wind that blow
I'm the diamond glints on snow
I'm the sunlight on ripened grain
I'm the gentle autumn rain
When you awaken in morning's hush
I'm the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight
I'm the soft star that shine at night
Don't stand at my grave and cry
I'm not there. I did not die

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


           Selamat Ulang Tahun Mama :) semoga panjang umur, sehat selalu, murah rezeki, makin sayang aku sama ayah, dan keluarga, dan makin dewasa jangan berelebihan haha mungkin doa-doa aku kalau ditulis semuanya disini bakalan abis satu blog soalnya tiap helaan napas aku itu doa untuk mama.
         Mama Terimakasih atas semua yang udah mamah kasih untuk aku, aku sampai kapanpun emang gabisa bales semua yang udah mamah kasih ke aku, perasaan sayang mamah ke aku, rasa khawatir mamah ke aku, semua waktu yang mamah buang buat ngerawat aku, sabar-sabarnya mamah ke aku kalo aku lg ngeselin, aku yakin sampai kapanpun aku gag akan bisa bales itu semua. Mama terimakasih atas semua yang udah mamah korbanin buat aku, dari waktu, uang, sampai nyawa pun mamah berani ngorbanin ke aku. Mama, aku sayang mama You are the greatest, You are the best, You are my everything, setiap langkah mamah berjalan setiap helaan napas yang mamah hembuskan aku selalu ngedoaian mamah selalu dibawah lindungan Allah SWT.

          Mama maaf atas semua kesalahan yang pernah aku lakuin untuk mama, maaf atas sikap aku yang tidak peka, maaf atas sikap aku yang keras kepala, maaf atas sikap aku yang kadang bikin mama sedih. Mama maaf ulang tahun kali ini aku gabisa ngasih apa-apa, tapi one day, i will give everything you want, tapi sekarang aku cuman bisa ngasih tulisan ini, mungkin ini emang gag berharga apa-apa, tapi semoga aja bakalan jadi berarti :). Mama maaf aku juga belum bisa jadi anak yang bisa dibanggakan, tapi suatu saat aku pasti bisa bikin mama sama ayah bilang "SAYA BANGGA SAMA KAMU", dan mungkin itu sebagai sedikit balasan atas semua yang sudah mamah berikan untuk aku. Mama maaf terkadang aku tidak pernah menuruti kata-kata mu, mama maaf terkadang mamah harus berantem sama ayah gara-gara melindungiku.

       Dan untuk mama, semoga tidak akan pernah menangis lagi. Semoga tidak ada lagi air mata yang mengalir dari mata mama, kecuali untuk alasan kebahagiaan. Doakan saya agar bisa membahagiakanmu mama.
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