Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lana Del Rey - Dark Paradise (Short Version)

Every time I close my eyes
It's like a dark paradise
No one compares to you
I'm scared that you won't be waiting on the other side

Sky Ferreira - "Everything is Embarrassing" (Official Music Video)

Next Step

At some point i realize, that i have done so much to you. That next possible step is to stop. Just leave you alone. Walk away, it's not like i'm giving up, and shouldn't or don't want to try. It just i have to stop drawing with invisible pen. I belive what is trully yours would eventually be yours, and what is not, no matter how hard i try, will never be.

Ah akhirnya saya menyadari saya sudah mengorbankan banyak untukmu. Dan langkah selanjutnya adalah berhenti. Meninggalkan kamu sendiri. Pergi, bukannya saya menyerah, atau saya gag seharusnya atau tidak mau lagi mencoba. Ya saya hanya ingin berhenti menggambar dengan pensil yang transparant. Saya percaya apa yang seharusnya jadi milik kamu, akan tetap menjadi milik kamu, dan jika tidak, mau sekeras apapun saya mencoba, tetap tidak akan bisa :)

Waktu, Aku Kamu Kita Jadi Satu

Waktu, lewat waktu aku mengenalmu
Kamu, sosok masa lalu yang mendatangi masaku
Kita, Kita berbeda waktu, tempatmu bukan disini
Satu, Mungkinkah menjadi satu ?

Waktu, temui kita bersama lagi
Kamu, sosok masa lalu yang menghantuiku
Kita, apa mungkin menjadi kita (lagi) ?
Satu, berbeda arah berbeda tujuan 

Waktu, Terangi kisah, persatukan arah, leburkan rasa
Kamu, sosok masaku bukan masa laluku (lagi)
Kita, tak ada kamu atau aku hanya kita
Satu, as much as we do far apart,
If we are One, that will always be One

What You've Missed

Hello Blove, Its been 3 months i guess since my last post, i've been really busy with college stuff and preparing my TA! YEAAAYYY! finally blove! wish me a very very good luck Blove :D. Oh right i just changed my blog design, its more mature and less color haha and it's so eye-friendly in my opinion than my previous design though. And my latest news is i've been in a real relationship with my current boyF, and it's only been a month hueheh but it's real because i really do love him. He is my ex, haha and we're getting back together on august 28, it's quite shock to my friends that i get back together with him, but i just get more attached to my ex than to a new guy, beacuse it's easier i guess, not have to know more more, because we already knew him, BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT in my case it's different, i only date him in a couple months before, so i really don't know him that well, so im quite learning his habits now. yaaaa lama-lama "aku bisa karena terbiasa" that's gonna be it. Ahhhh enough with this boyfriend talk, oh right, meanwhile in this happy-happy cute love is in the air stuff, i have an issue with my best friend, i won't talk about it here, it just let's hope we can do well later love you cupcakes :*. And recently my mother has her 41st birthday, it's been a year right since my last post, and wrote about her, really time passsssss soo fast, not long again, we will celebrate new year, and it's 2013 already fyuh, and sidang sayaaa sebentar lagi, semoga lancar dan lulus :D. And again i've gain weight, oh A LOT! and i'm really fat now :( it's just making me even stresssssss :(, I guess that's just 3 months that you've been missed so see yaaa maybe in few minutes i'll be posting something, so just wai.

Meidina Noor Annisa

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Gadis Penyuka Senja

Dia gadis penyuka senja, penyicip peliknya hidup, berlari kesana kemari.
Gadis penyuka senja, berlari dibawah derai hujan, melindungi cita-cita
Gadis penyuka senja, tersenyum berkata "korannya pak"
Gadis penyuka senja, tak suka bahkan tak kenal menyerah
Gadis itu penyuka senja, katanya.
Senja itu hangat, merah. Seperti peluk ibu, dan keberanian bapak.

Ini Aku!

Saya adalah pionir mimpi, yang mendikte pion-pion harapan di dalam kastil yang bernama cita-cita
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